
How Will You Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet?

New Year’s Eve is here and I, like many of you, have been reflecting on the incredible year we’re about to say goodbye to: 2018.

Last year, I wrote a piece called Looking Ahead to 2018: Where Will You Travel? So, I thought I’d write a similar one this year– a sequel, if you will- documenting future plans while simultaneously looking back on the wonderful memories made this year.

2018: It was a year of Hollywood scandals and nationwide movements such as #MeToo and March for Our Lives. In the USA, an unprecedented amount of female and minority candidates won coveted government positions. People across the globe experienced crazy weather and natural disasters such as deadly wildfires, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Game of Thrones finally announced when it’s eighth and final season will be released; and that’s one of the many things we have to look forward to in the upcoming year!


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18 American Things I Miss Most

AmericanI have been living in the Netherlands for almost 3 months now and I feel pretty settled in at this point. I’ve been teaching here for 11 weeks and finally moved into my own studio in Amsterdam. I have made some new friends, am an expert at navigating the city/country via public transportation, and have learned a little bit of Dutch. Recently, though, I’ve been thinking about the things I miss from home. Of course I miss my family and friends and colleagues, but besides the people, I miss many other American conveniences. I figured I’d compile a list of them for you. And for those of you living in the states: the next time you use/see/have one of the beloved luxuries below, feel grateful… because although they may seem simple or “part of every day life”, they’re not everywhere! (more…)

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