
Make Your Dreams Your Reality

Who says dreams can’t come true?

I’ve always believed that if your dreams don’t scare you, you’re not dreaming big enough. Growing up, I was always encouraged to push past my limits- to challenge myself. One of my elementary teachers often quoted, “Shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you will land among the stars.” I love that. It has been one of my personal mottos ever since.

It’s funny- I was born and raised, and currently live, in the United States of America. The USA is a place known for making dreams come true, hence: The American Dream. People have migrated to America for decades in hopes of providing a better life for their families and accomplishing goals they could simply not accomplish elsewhere. But why is it that so many Americans are afraid to chase their dreams? Why is it that so many of us don’t dream big enough? I mean, the majority of working Americans don’t even use all of their vacation days. (more…)

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10 Tips to Land a Teaching Job Abroad

In early August, I am moving to the Netherlands where I will be teaching in an international school.

Many people have been asking me, “How did you get this job?”

The other day, I wrote a blog post announcing my new job and big move. I briefly described how I made the life-changing decision to accept the offer, and outlined my next steps as I prepare to move from the USA to Europe. It makes sense that after reading all of that, people have questions. How? Why? What? When? Where? How long?  (more…)

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First Graders Embrace Opportunity to Teach U.S. Officials

Yesterday was a big day in Miss Snyder’s classroom.

Oh, I’m Miss Snyder. 🙂

As you may know if you’ve read my About Me, or know me personally, I am a teacher. I have been teaching for 4 years now and I currently teach first grade. I have 23 first graders in my classroom this year. But yesterday, the number of people in my room nearly doubled.
Federal officials came to visit my school to observe the PBIS and Restorative Practices we have in place, and my principal chose my room to showcase my students’ community building circle. Representatives from the United States Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and the Attorney General’s Office sat in my room to not only observe, but participate in, my class’ daily circle time, which my first graders simply call: Morning Meeting.

Yup, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos sat in my classroom yesterday.


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White Supremacists: Welcome to My Classroom

white supremacistsA few months ago, I wrote an open letter to ISIS after the tragedy in Manchester. Last week, they struck again in Barcelona. These vicious creatures have a special place in hell reserved for them.

I never thought I’d be writing a piece about a different group of terrorists right here in the USA: white supremacists.

I’m white. And this is bullshit. (more…)

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