Terrorism and Hate

Do Millennials Owe the World an Apology?

I’ve been wondering…

Do millennials owe the world an apology?

Everywhere you turn you see ridiculous headlines:

“Millennials Aren’t Eating Cereal Because It’s Too Much Work”

“Why Are Millennials So Obsessed with Food?”

“Millennials Are Killing the Movie Business” 

“How Millennials Are Ruining the Workforce”

And even… “Millennials are Killing the Napkin Industry”really, people?


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White Supremacists: Welcome to My Classroom

white supremacistsA few months ago, I wrote an open letter to ISIS after the tragedy in Manchester. Last week, they struck again in Barcelona. These vicious creatures have a special place in hell reserved for them.

I never thought I’d be writing a piece about a different group of terrorists right here in the USA: white supremacists.

I’m white. And this is bullshit. (more…)

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An Open Letter (and Middle Finger) to ISIS: You Lose

Like many of you, I’ve been spending the past few days just trying to process— process what happened in Manchester earlier this week, and process what is, unfortunately, our new reality.

I sat in my fourth grade classroom while the Twin Towers were struck and, consequently, crumbling to the ground in the teeming streets of New York City on September 11th, 2001. I was practicing arithmetic just a couple hours away with my classmates in New Jersey. The phone was incessantly ringing, and students kept getting picked up early by their parents. “That’s weird,” I thought. My parents never came. (more…)

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