A Millennial’s Packing Guide for Europe.
We’ve all been there— you know, that moment when you’re looking forward to your upcoming trip to Europe, counting down the days and thinking about the excursions you want to enjoy— but then it hits you.
We’ve all been there— you know, that moment when you’re looking forward to your upcoming trip to Europe, counting down the days and thinking about the excursions you want to enjoy— but then it hits you.
I am incredibly flattered and appreciative, especially since my travel blog is only three weeks old. I have been working so hard to write engaging and interesting content, share helpful tips, and really get my Little Lives Big name out there. (more…)
Well, I did it, and I’m going to share HOW I did it (and how you can, too!) right here. 7 countries. 10 days. Sound good?
Get ready.
Get set.
LET’S GO! (more…)
Ah, France. A land like no other. Walking around Paris felt like a dream… Even thinking back on it now, it’s so hard to believe I was ever even there. But I was.
Drink German beer from a stein in the famous Hofbrahaus? Check. Get kicked out of an Irish bar for being too noisy? Check. Sing on stage in front of hundreds of strangers in a foreign country? Check. Germany was quite an exciting place to be.
During my stay in Germany, I was able to explore both St. Goar in Rhine Valley and Munich. Both are truly spectacular in a myriad of different ways. They’re like night and day.
I sat in my fourth grade classroom while the Twin Towers were struck and, consequently, crumbling to the ground in the teeming streets of New York City on September 11th, 2001. I was practicing arithmetic just a couple hours away with my classmates in New Jersey. The phone was incessantly ringing, and students kept getting picked up early by their parents. “That’s weird,” I thought. My parents never came. (more…)
Mexico is an extraordinary place. I spent seven, blissful days in a classy, adults-only resort in Playa Del Carmen — fittingly called The Royal.
but Innsbruck was included in my trip’s itinerary so I thought “OK… cool!” As it turns out, Innsbruck was one of the most magical cities I ever stepped foot in; the buildings were exquisite and the food was even better. (more…)
Hey Everyone! I truly appreciate you taking the time to visit and explore my brand new travel blog. I am an ordinary girl, trying to live this thing we call life. Writing has always been a huge passion of mine and I am so ecstatic that I have finally taken the leap and created my first official blog.